Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Research brokers

snow chain requirements

We are getting into that part of the year where the north west states start having some great paying out bound loads, and we are only a few more weeks away from snow chain requirements.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Are you ready to go Pro


DAT Rate View is loaded with a lot of compelling information that has been a must for the larger fleets and brokers but more information than what most owner-operators were taking advantage of.

The new TruckersEdge Pro package now comes with the one most valuable piece of information for owner operators from Rate View, and that is the 15-day rate average paid by brokers.

I mostly negotiate based on supply and demand and try to coach owner operators the same but now having access to the 15-day average rates less knowledge is a need for negotiating.

Check out DAT Trend Lines, and you will see that rapid changes in rates do not happen in a 15-day period. Negotiation can now be done by anyone by just telling the broker what the 15-day average is. All legitimate known brokers use DAT, and most of them will see the same averages that you are seeing, so your rate never comes as a surprise making the deal likely to be a win for you and the agent.

Maximize your rate:

  1. Research the best paying lanes and post your truck going to those lanes.
  2. Another great tool that comes with Pro is TriHaul this will help you put a list of the top paying lanes to any market that you want to get to.
  3. Ask the broker to pay for your deadhead miles. This is just being upfront about your rate and an easy negotiation.
  4. It does not matter how good a lane is paying if you can't get a reload once you get there. I like to make sure where I want to go has more loads leaving then coming by doing a reverse search of the city.
  5. If you have time while you're getting loaded try to pre-book your next load. When rates are justified and up front negotiating is quicker, and relationships will start to build.